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I am currently taking a children's literature class that has exposed me to a lot of amazing books. Here is what I think about a few but please let me know what you think! If you have any suggestions for books that I should have in my classroom let me know!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Weedflower by: Cynthia Kadohata

Weedflower is an excellent book that I recommend to all. It is a great story in perspective of a twelve-year old Japanese-American before and after the events of Pearl Harbor. It is interesting to think that America put most all people of Japanese decent into internment camps. There is not a lot of literature and information about what these people went through, and even though we should be ashamed that America discriminated against these people, it is important to hear what really happened and what they went through. The main character Sumiko and her family's experience was horrible because they lost their home and flower business was not left with a lot. Their strength guided them through this rough time and they all worked together and really tried to make the best of the situation. I really liked that Sumiko and Mr. Moto decided to add some beauty to the camp and try and make it as "homey" as possible by planting a garden. The flowers were almost a sign of hope. One thing that I did not like was the ending... I really wanted to see what happened to the family after they had left the camp. I guess I can imagine what would have happened but I would have rather seen it printed.

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